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Chief Advantages of Adding Solar Panels to Your Phoenix Home – Part Four

Chief Advantages of Adding Solar Panels to Your Phoenix Home by Add On Solar

In Phoenix, AZ, every single summer is excruciatingly hot, there is no denying it. Energy bills are high naturally due to the expense incurred in keeping homes cool. In the summertime energy bills go up, get high and stay high until it cools off in late October, or early November.  

Solar panels are a fantastic method to use to counteract electricity expenses, lower the effect your Arizona home has on the ecology and environment and deliver a plethora of additional pluses, like championing small Phoenix, AZ, area companies and promoting freedom from buying electricity from the local power company.    

Thinking about getting solar panels installed on your Phoenix, AZ home means you must look at the chief advantages they offer to make a good decision on whether to do it or not. Featured below are the advantages you need to consider. They are as follows:

Be an Environmental Advocate and Assist the Planet

The sun provides free clean energy to solar panel power systems. By install solar panels on your house, you are assisting the planet by being part of the battle to lower greenhouse emissions, fight global warming and lower our combined reliance on fuels generated from sources developed by the planet eons ago, including coal, natural gas, and oil. Most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuel like natural gas and coal.  Burning fossil fuel to make electricity produces lethal gases which are the main source of pollution in the air and the culprit that causes global warming. Fossil fuels will eventually run out. The planet has a limited amount of fossil fuel inside it. The price of fossil fuel goes up and down due to the laws of supply, demand, and the technical difficulties we experience getting them out of the ground and the expense we incur accomplishing it.

Solar power generated electricity is a renewable energy, and this type of energy has a positive impact on public health. Fossil fuels like natural gas and coal used by energy plants to produce electricity negatively impact the atmosphere and our planets water supply through pollution which has an extreme negative impact on our health.  Renewable energy like solar power can increase our life expectancy and our lower the cost of health care because it is clean, and it does not impact us negatively like burning fossil fuel does.

Energy produced by burning fossil fuels like natural gas and goal needs water to complete the process and this process creates polluted water. On the other hand, electricity produced by solar energy needs virtually no water for it to produce power. The planets water supply is not impacted at all by solar energy.

Regardless, if it its scorching hot outside or there is not rain whatsoever, solar power keeps producing electricity.  Power produced through fossil fuels and power produced using nuclear rods all need tons of water. When its superhot out or there is no rain to speak of, making electricity through any of the mentioned methods is in trouble. Generating electricity through solar power system does not need any water for it work.

Jobs are developed and continue to grow in the solar energy industry. The top country in the world producing the highest levels of clean energy is the United States. Recent indicators show this trend will continue in 2021 and for years to come.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) credits are available connected to solar energy systems for homes built using green systems related to renewable energy, passive solar employed using building orientation and solar orientation. These credits have specific qualifications that must be met, so be sure to find what the requirements are to make sure you the home you are building and the systems you are using in it will qualify.

Summing It All Up

So, as can be seen here, there are multiple advantages to installing solar panels to produce electricity for your home. By installing solar panels in your home, it is quite possible to eliminate your electricity bill, pay for the system with solar tax credits, energy rebates and solar energy renewable credits, see the cost savings through a lower electricity bill immediately, and help the planet, all at the same time.